10 Weeks of Fun - 3 different Experiences - 200,000 $BG

Details Below

Week 6

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Week 7

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Week 3

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Week 8

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Week 4

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Week 9

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Week 5

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Week 10

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Week 1

Completion (Stage 1)
10,000 $BG pool split evenly

Speed Run
1st 3,000 $BG - 9.52.16 knobbeltpm
2nd 2,000 $BG - 22.01.80 je0nha
3rd 1,500 $BG - 23.45.30 Tuschay
4th 1000 $BG - 24.59.06 iantheitguy
5th 700 $BG - 57.28.50 fredandferd
6th 600 $BG - Your Time
7th 500 $BG - Your Time
8th 350 $BG - Your Time
9th 250 $BG - Your Time
10th 100 $BG - Your Time

Completion/Speed Run - Form
Completion Reward Details
Complete all levels in the first stage (10 Total)
Once completed submit a screen shot .
Speed run Details
Fastest time to complete stage 1, please submit a screenshot of your time
Note - We may request video proof of your run so its advised to record your run.

Participation reward - Form
Only submit this form if you have NOT completed the above
100 $BG per account (Limit 50)

Week 2
Coming soon