
Disaster is close...

In Space Life, the third game in the BoopGoop series, players find themselves aboard a ship that has been built at lightning speed in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. As they complete their daily tasks, they begin to uncover clues about what happened in the past and the fate of their home.

As they explore the ship and gather information, they begin to suspect that their home may have been destroyed, and they are filled with a sense of despair. But as they work through the game, they receive hints that the land may be safe again, with only a few monsters remaining. This gives them hope that they may one day return home and rebuild their lives.

Throughout the game, players must use all of their skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges of life in space, from repairing the ship's systems to performing scientific experiments and exploring new worlds. They will encounter all manner of obstacles and dangers, and they will need to use all of their resourcefulness and adaptability to overcome them.

As they progress through the game, they will discover the secrets of the past and the true fate of their home, and they will be faced with tough decisions that will shape the course of their journey. Whether they choose to stay in space and explore the vastness of the universe, or return to the land and rebuild their lives, they will need all of their courage and determination to succeed.